Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI)
Trillium Health Partners is a Baby Friendly designated Hospital. BFI is a global initiative started by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF to protect, promote and support breastfeeding.
Our goals are:
- To provide the best possible care in all health services for families with babies.
- To help each family make an informed decision after receiving all of the facts about each infant feeding method.
Feeding Do’s
Skin-to-skin care during feeding
Feed every 2 to 3 hours (at least 8 times in 24 hours) – wake baby when it is time to feed!
Hand express or pump each breast for 20 minutes to build milk supply and increase your baby’s appetite
Follow your baby’s feeding cues
Feeding Cues
Early Cues
Licking or sucking anything close to their face
Bringing hands and fingers to their face
Opening and closing their mouth
Active Cues
Turning head side to side
Fidgeting – not easy to settle
Late Cues
Quickly moving head side to side
When your baby is finished feeding they will behave satisfied. Your baby will look relaxed, quiet and content, and will no longer show feeding cues.
A baby who is feeding enough will have an adequate number of both wet and stool soiled diapers. Right after birth it is normal for babies to lose up to 10% of their birthweight. At 2 or 3 weeks old, baby should return or surpass their birthweight.
If you have any questions about feeding your baby, ask your healthcare provider.
During your stay in hospital, your nurses can help you and your baby with feeding.
We also have certified Lactation Consultants that can help with any difficulties you may have.
Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months, and then adding foods at 6 months and continuing breastfeeding up to 2 years and beyond, is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) to promote growth, brain development, and protection from disease.
Why choose breastfeeding?
- Helps with bonding between mom and baby
- Helps with mom’s vaginal bleeding by contracting the uterus
- Reduces the risk of developing cancer of the breast and ovaries
- Breast milk does not cost any money
- Provides immunity to baby
- Can prevent obesity and diabetes for baby
While in the hospital, your healthcare team can help you with proper latching technique and positioning your baby to breastfeed. They can also help you with hand expression to help you produce milk.
Latching Your Baby
In order to feed properly, you need to help your baby get a good latch on your breast.
How do you know if your baby has a good latch?
- You can see and hear baby sucking and swallowing
- Your breasts feel empty after a feed
- There is no pain, redness or cracking of nipples during feeds
There several ways you can hold your baby during feeding. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the different positions to help you get comfortable with holding your baby.
Some different feeding positions include:
- Laid-back
- Cradle hold
- Cross-cradle
- Football position
- Side-lying
For more information on positioning and latching visit the
La Leche League International website
Hand expression
In hospital you will be taught hand expression. Hand expression helps produce milk and relieves engorgement.
[*** IMAGE HERE ***]
Engorgement is when your breasts are overfilled with milk and become firm and swollen making it hard to breastfeed. Frequent feeds, gentle hand expression, reverse pressure on areola, and icepacks will help prevent and relieve engorgement. Ibuprofen may also relieve discomfort.
Formula Feeding
If you choose to feed your baby formula, you need to know how to:
- sterilize water and supplies
- prepare formula properly
- feed your baby with a bottle
Your health care team will give you information and education on how to safely formula feed.
You can find more information about formula feeding at the
Region of Peel website and on the
Best Start website.
Use cow’s milk-based formula if possible.
Soy-based baby formula is not recommended unless your baby cannot have cow’s milk products for health, cultural or religious reasons. Ask your doctor before using soy-based formula.
It is important to prepare your infant formula safely.
Formula comes in 3 forms:
Ready to Feed
No mixing is required
Formula is sterile until the bottle is opened
Liquid Concentrate
(mix with water)
Needs to be mixed with water
Formula is sterile until the bottle is opened
(mix with water)
Needs to be mixed with water
Powder is not sterile
Not recommended for babies under 2 months old.
For important facts about formula preparation and formula recalls you can visit
Best Start tip sheets.
Make sure you have a supply of formula ready for your baby once you get home. The hospital does not provide you with formula when you leave.
Feeding Support
In hospital:
During your stay, your nurses can help you with feeding your baby. Our nurses are highly skilled and knowledgeable; ask them questions and discuss your feeding plan before going home.
You may also be referred to an in-house lactation consultant if you are having difficulties with feeding.
After discharge:
If necessary, we can provide follow-up breastfeeding support following discharge from the hospital at our Postnatal Clinic. An appointment will be made for you before your discharge if needed.
We also partner with Peel Public Health to provide community support for our parents Peel Region; your nurse can provide you with more information.
For breastfeeding support in your community, please visit:
Community Resources
Bilingual Online Ontario Breastfeeding Services – To help you search for breastfeeding services
Bilingual Online Ontario Breastfeeding Services – To help you search for breastfeeding services
Breastfeeding Hotline – Telehealth Ontario offers 24/7 Breastfeeding advice and support service Tel:
Local public health unit -
Virtual appointment with lactation consultant -,
International Breastfeeding Centre -
Support for breastfeeding families -
Home | Halton Baby Friendly Initiative
Breastfeeding videos -
Online Support | Mysite
La Leche League Canada – For mother-to-mother breastfeeding support Tel:
Breastfeeding Matters: An Important Guide to Breastfeeding for Women and their
Breastfeeding for the Health and Future of Our Nation -
Selection of Educational Breastfeeding Videos -
Breastfeeding - parenting - Region of Peel
Sleep Well, Sleep Safe – A booklet for parents of infants from 0-12 months and for all who care for infants
Canadian Paediatric Society – Caring for Kids
Public Health Agency of Canada: Safe Sleep resources and
FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders) Ontario -
Risk of Cannabis on Breastfeeding -
Risks of Cannabis on Fertility, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Parenting - Best Start
Breastfeeding Class

Video coming soon...