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Pre-Operative Assessment Clinic (POAC)

If you are scheduled for surgery, you may be asked to attend the Pre-Operative Assessment Clinic (POAC).

A POAC appointment is booked depending on your health history and type of surgery.

Usually, 3-4 weeks before your surgery, you will have a pre-operative appointment. Someone will call you with the appointment details. This appointment can take from 2 to 4 hours. You can eat and take your usual medication before your appointment.

The Pre-op assessment clinics help you and your care team prepare you for your surgery.

The pre-operative team will:

  • Ensure that you are ready for surgery.
  • Determine if you require any more testing before your surgery.
  • Provide you with information and resources about your hospital stay.
  • Identify resources you may need after surgery.

Pre-Operative Assessment Clinic Locations

There are two possible locations for your POAC appointment. Please confirm the correct location of your appointment.

Please remember to arrive 30 minutes early for registration. Trillium Health Partners is a scent-free organization. Please do not wear any fragrances or scented lotions.

Credit Valley Hospital

2200 Eglinton Ave. W., Mississauga ON
L5M 2N1

P: 905-813-5345

  • Please enter through the Ambulatory Care Entrance (accessed via Credit Valley Road)
  • Registration is on the first floor (to the right of ambulatory care entrance)
  • After registration, take the Deer elevators up to the 3rd floor and check in at the POAC desk.

Queensway Health Centre

150 Sherway Drive, Toronto, ON
M9C 1A5

P: 416-259-4114

  • Registration is at central registration desk on the main floor (beside East/Main Entrance Doors).
  • Clinic is beside central registration.

If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please call us and we will do our best to reschedule your appointment.

What should I bring to my Pre-Operative Assessment appointment

  • Your health card (OHIP card) and photo identification.
  • Bring your medications in their original containers.
  • Bring a list of vitamins, supplements and herbal products that you take.
  • Bring the name and telephone number of your family doctor, specialists and pharmacy.
  • Bring current reports from any specialists you may be seeing, such as your cardiologist or hematologist (cardiac stress test, echocardiogram and/or a pulmonary function test).
  • Bring all documents given to you at your surgeon’s office, any test results (if done outside the hospital) and additional notes/forms from your doctor’s visit.
  • Remember to complete all documents given by your surgeon’s office – “Preoperative Questionnaire” before your POAC appointment.
  • You are allowed to eat, drink, and take all of your regular medication the day of your appointment.
  • You are encouraged to bring a family member or friend to offer you support and be a second set of ears. Please bring someone to help translate if necessary, during your appointment and on the day of surgery.

What happens during my Pre-Operative Assessment appointment

  • You will meet many health care providers during your pre-admission visit. Please feel free to ask them any questions that you may have.
  • A pre-admission nurse will review your health history and give you information to prepare you for your surgery. A n​urse will also provide instructions on what to eat and drink before surgery and discuss your plans to return home after surgery.
  • An anesthesiologist will review your health history and medications that you are taking, discuss your anesthetic plan, and review options for pain management after your surgery. They may provide instructions on the medications to take and stop before your surgery.
  • A pharmacist may review your medications and provide instructions on the medications to take and to stop before your surgery.
  • You may need blood work, an electrocardiogram (ECG) to check your heart and/or an x-ray​