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FIPPA and its Application to Trillium Health Partners

Beginning on January 1, 2012, Ontario hospitals, including Trillium Health Partners, are covered by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, which supports access to Hospital records and protection of privacy.

Some key purposes of the Act are:

  1. To provide the public a right of access to hospital information subject to limited exemptions; and
  2. To protect the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information about themselves held by hospitals and to provide individuals with a right of access to that information.

The enforcement of this Act is conducted through the office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC).

What information is covered by the Act?

Most records in the custody and control of the Hospital are subject to the Act and the great majority of these will be available if requested. Certain types of records, however, are specifically excluded so the Act does not apply to them. A few other types are covered by the Act but exempt from disclosure to protect public concerns, personal privacy, Hospital operations or other important interests.

It is important to note the personal health information and medical records continue to be covered by the Personal Health Information Protection Act and cannot be requested under FIPPA. If you would like to request access to your medical records and personal health information, please refer to the Health Records (Health Information Management).​

FIPPA Request Procedure​

You can make a formal access request under FIPPA to Trillium Health Partners’ Privacy Office. You can download the request form by clicking on the following link: Request Form (PDF). Although you are not required to use the provided form, we recommend that you do so to ensure your request is processed as quickly as possible. Use of the form will enable the Hospital to accept requests both in hard copy and via e-mail.

In order to be considered a complete request under the Act, the following requirements must be met:

  1. the request is in writing (Request Form (PDF)): If you do not use the Request Form, please ensure that your written request states that the request is being made under FIPPA;
  2. the $5 mandatory non-refundable application fee for your written request (cheque, money order or credit card) has been received by the Freedom of Information Office (make cheques and money orders payable to “Trillium Health Partners”). Please do not send cash with your request; to make a credit card payment please click here and follow the instructions on the Request Form (please insert Site Number 04873 and Hospital Account Number: B0000045523 on the payment page).
  3. you have provided sufficient detail to allow an experienced employee of the Hospital, with a reasonable amount of effort, to identify the information/record you are requesting.

Please mail or e-mail all requests for access to information to the attention of the Privacy Office. Staff will contact you if your request is deficient or it needs to clarify the information you are requesting. Staff will need to verify your identity before processing requests for your personal information.

The Hospital is obligated under the Act to provide you with a decision with respect to your request within 30 calendar days from the date your request is received. There are, however, certain circumstances under the Act where the Hospital is permitted to extend the time limit beyond the 30 calendar days. The Privacy Office will, within the time limits permitted by the Act, notify you in writing regarding whether or not your request will be granted.


In addition to the required $5.00 mandatory non-refundable application fee, FIPPA also permits charging fees in relation to processing requests. Depending on the scope and size of your request, a fee may be involved, in which case you will be provided with an estimate and additional information so you can make an informed decision about how to proceed.

The allowable fees are prescribed by legislation, and are as follows:

  • 20 cents per page of photocopying
  • $10.00 for each disk
  • $30.00 per hour of manual search time
  • $30.00 per hour of record preparation
  • $60.00 per hour of computer development

If the estimated cost to complete your request is $100 or more, Trillium Health Partners will require a 50 percent deposit before performing further work on your request.

The hospital may waive all or part of the fees related to the costs of processing your request if it is fair and equitable to do so.

All decision made by Trillium Health Partners, including the final decision regarding disclosure, time extensions and fee estimates, may be reviewed by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

Contact Information

For all matters relating to FIPPA at Trillium Health Partners, including access requests and protection of privacy and concerns, please contact:

Trillium Health Partners
Privacy Office
100 Queensway West
Mississauga, ON, L5B 1B8

Or by email, at